Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Real-Life Lessons in Using Google AdWords

Published: October 14, 2009

It used to be that business owners often struggled to afford advertising for their products or services. Google AdWords has changed that by offering an inexpensive way to spread the word. But if you don’t do some careful planning, you can easily find yourself spending thousands of dollars with little to show for it.

Quick Tips:

  • Set a budget, a daily or monthly amount you’re willing to spend.

  • Begin by casting a narrow net, advertising in your local market and then expanding to additional markets like Google’s AdSense network.

  • Try to choose keyword terms that your competition has overlooked to keep per-word costs low.

  • Remember that good campaigns require constant adjustment.

Suggested Readings and Resources:

Here are the basics: Google AdWords are keyword-driven ads that show up along the right-hand side of a Google search page under the rubric “sponsored links.” People who search for terms related to those you select — say, “widgets for sale” — will see your ad alongside the results of their search. How high up your ad appears on the list of sponsored links will depend, in part, on how much you’re willing to spend on your campaign. The more you spend and the more relevant your ad, the higher it will rank. Because AdWords is a pay-per-click service, you pay Google only when someone clicks on your ad.

When you begin your campaign, you create a text-only ad that includes a link to your Web site. Then you select the keywords that will determine which searchers see your ad. You can — and should — specify how much you want to spend, what language(s) your ad will appear in and even the geographical reach of your ad. Google also gives you the opportunity to post ads through its content network, AdSense, which will place your ad on Web sites that offer content that relates to your keywords.

Googling the term AdWords will return dozens of pages of links to experts of all kinds promising to help you construct and optimize an AdWords campaign of your own. What follows are lessons learned the hard way by business owners who’ve actually taken the plunge:

Be Sure AdWords Is the Right Choice

Brent Hollowell and Jesse Travis, co-founders of a travel accessory retailer in Baltimore called Zen Class, had high hopes when they began using AdWords to promote their Nirvana Seat Back Organizer, which slips over an airplane’s seatback tray. While they knew they might get clicks if they paid for words like “travel accessories,” they feared the cost of close to $1.50 a click would be prohibitive because not every visitor would be looking for their product. They decided to be more specific and set up an AdWords campaign using the keywords “airline seat back organizer,” which cost about 5 cents a click; anyone who searched on that phrase would see their ad along the right-hand side of their screen. The problem was that the campaign, after running for several weeks, produced very few clicks on their site. They realized that most people were unaware that seatback organizers existed and thus were unlikely to search for one.

“Given the challenge of having a product that hasn’t existed before, AdWords may not be the best tool for generating interest and sales,” Mr. Hollowell said. He and Mr. Travis have found they get better results advertising through more traditional product-placement ads and using search engine optimization (S.E.O.) techniques to improve their site’s performance on organic Google searches.

Set a Realistic Budget

About a year ago, Georgette Blau, who runs On Location Tours in New York City, set up an AdWords campaign to promote tours that were timed for the release of the “Sex and the City” movie. In doing so, she says she made a mistake: She ran the ad on the Google AdSense network but failed to understand how quickly she could run through the money she had budgeted for her campaign. An ad placed on the Google network can quickly appear on hundreds of Web sites and generate thousands of clicks. While this can be a good thing, it can also run up quite a tab. “Our ads were showing up everywhere, and we spent $600 before I could shut it off,” she said. Ms. Blau now sets realistic monthly and daily budgets for her campaigns to promote a “Sopranos” or “Gossip Girl” tour.

Focus on Local Markets

When Apple first introduced the iPhone, Matt McCormick, who runs a phone-repair business called Jet City Devices, saw an opportunity. Knowing that the iPhone’s screen was prone to damage, Mr. McCormick began bidding on keywords like “iphone repairs” and waited for business to flood in. A problem soon became apparent: while his site was swamped with traffic, very few people were actually mailing in their phones to get them repaired. But, after changing his campaign to run only on searches initiated within 50 miles of Chicago and Seattle — cities where he had physical shops where customers could drop their phones off in person — Mr. McCormick says his conversion rate jumped to 10 percent: “If you’re in business in only one or two cities, then Google’s localization feature can save you a ton of money, reduce AdWords competition, and bring great traffic.”

Narrow Your Keyword Net

Just as you might use quotation marks to limit the scope of a Google search, you can use brackets and quotes to focus your AdWords campaign. In fact, this is critical. If, for example, you select “widgets for sale” in quotes, your ad will show up anytime people search for those words — even if they search for, say, “blue or red widgets for sale.” If you use brackets to select [widgets for sale], on the other hand, only those people who search on the exact phrase will see the ad.

Catherine Wood, who runs an online designer clothing site calledLaGrandeDame.com, suggests being selective about the keywords you place within those brackets or quotes. Ms. Wood said she followed Google’s guidelines when she set up her first campaigns this past April. “They tell you to try to choose the terms that will collect the most clicks,” she said. Ms. Wood began with 20 or so keywords such as “plus sized dresses” and “designer plus sized clothing” — somewhat general terms that she put in quotes. The result was that she received lots of traffic and quite a few customers. But, for the first four months she ran the campaign, she spent more than $5,000 a month, which meant she was spending more than $200 a new customer.

After learning her expensive lesson, Ms. Wood narrowed her keywords and used brackets to focus tightly on product names like [David Meister black dress] and [Anna Scholz Peacock Neru jacket] to drive very specific traffic to her site. She also learned the value of negative keywords — words you can specify (at no cost) so that people who search for them are blocked from seeing your ad. Ms. Wood, for example, stopped paying for clicks for anyone who searched for Halloween costumes.

Create Landing Pages

Ed Scanlan credits AdWords with helping build his company, Total Attorneys, a firm based in Chicago that provides outsource support to small legal practices. He suggests creating specific landing pages tied directly to the ad you’re running to maximize your chances of turning visitors into customers. Sending a visitor to your all-purpose home page can leave them feeling lost or aggravated. By contrast, if Mr. Scanlan runs a campaign based on a term like “legal case support,” people who click on the ad attached to those words land on a specific page designed just for them. These pages should ask users to take an action, like signing up for a mailing list or filling out a survey, to capture the visitor’s contact information.

Stay on Top of Your Campaign ...

David Metcalfe has used AdWords to promote XNet, a data center in Chicago. About a year ago, he noticed something strange was happening — his click-through rates were going through the roof. That sounds promising, but he was getting traffic steered to his site from a Web site in Spain — even though he had set his campaign for the Chicago area only. Mr. Metcalfe eventually got his money back from Google, but it took him six months of daily contact to do so. While this was clearly a fluke — and possibly criminal on the part of the offending site — it demonstrates two things: Pay-per-click campaigns carry risks, and the burden of monitoring them falls upon the owner of the campaign. “When you’re an entrepreneur dealing with a major corporation like Google, it can be hard to get someone to have a conversation with you,” Mr. Metcalfe said. “I was grateful I caught it when I did.”

... or Consider Outsourcing It

Monitoring an AdWords campaign requires a lot of effort. That’s why some entrepreneurs, like Rick Smith, prefer to outsource the management of their campaigns. Mr. Smith, who sells kitchen supplies online at chefsresource.com, says he originally set his AdWords campaign on autopilot. But he realized that while he was spending a good chunk of money each month, he didn’t know what kind of a return on investment he was getting. After attending an S.E.O. trade show near his home in Laguna Hills, Calif., about two years ago, Mr. Smith hired a firm to run his campaigns for him. The firm now tries new keyword combinations or ad text based on Smith’s latest inventory of cookware or knives. They update or change the ads on pretty much a weekly basis, adding in seasonal or holiday hooks when appropriate, and they monitor the results. In return for a percentage of his monthly budget, the firm sends him a weekly spreadsheet showing how much he has spent and how much revenue has been generated. “I’m spending less than I did when I did it myself,” said Mr. Smith, “and I’m getting more sales as a result.”

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: October 16, 2009
An earlier version of this article referred incompletely to the basis for ad placement through Google AdWords. The relevance of an ad is a factor, not just the amount spent on a campaign. In addition, the article misstated the circumstances in which one AdWords client, Georgette Blau, said she had erred in her advertising planning. She ran through the money she budgeted for a campaign more quickly than expected; she did not fail to set a budget.